Health Service Executive Archives - Martin A. Harvey & Co Solicitors

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CAMHS Misdiagnosis

In April 2021, the HSE stated that it was reviewing the files of over 1,500 children and adolescents who had received care between 2016 and 2020 at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) South Kerry. This was a result of concerns and CAMHS misdiagnosis claims that had been raised as a results of the care given to a number of patients.

The parents have recently been informed that their child’s mental health issue was misdiagnosed and consequently, they may have been prescribed incorrect medication over an extended period.

Martin A. Harvey & Co Solicitors understands that there may be over 1,500 children from all over South Kerry who attend CAMHS and have been impacted by this prolonged misdiagnosis. Such failures are likely to have a detrimental effect on those who have been misdiagnosed and administered incorrect medication over a long period of time.

We have instructions on behalf of a number of families who have been affected. Please contact William Harvey of our offices for an initial consultation and advice on 021 4963400, complete the contact form here or email William directly at